
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yay Red Team!

It's confusing figuring out the blogging if you've never done it before. We both have administrative privileges, so feel free to play around and change things if you want, including the style, background, layout, etc.

I think I was ok yesterday, I didn't have anything really BAD to eat, no sugar or chemicals, but I did make myself a tuna-pasta salad with spelt pasta and grape seed oil mayonnaise. I think I might have lost some points on that one. I didn't actually count my points (because I wanted that tuna pasta salad more than I wanted pretty much anything, and I convinced myself that since the blog wasn't up yet there was really no point, right???) I get 22 points per day on Wine Watchers, but I do know that I drank every single one of my wine points. Go GREEN!!!

OK, so basically...I'm starting today! It's Sunday at 10:20 and I am drinking coffee with 2 points worth of soy milk. I have to finish off the soy products that I have in the fridge and get off soy, I've read too many articles saying that it is bad for your thyroid. So now I can blame soy for my weight gain, not the 5 lbs of Christmas cookies that I made for clients last year that never got sent...oh, and I am also off baking.

I made the roasted chick peas last night.....yummy!!! thanks for the tip. :)

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