
Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm only two weeks from wine, though!

Owing to the ginormous glass of Coke in my hand, I can't say I've been on SB religiously this weekend, but once the bottle runs out (actually, even before that -- when there's only a little left, it always tastes flat), I will be able to go the full South Beach. (Which sounds like some sort of exotic waxing treatment, no?). Then it's only two weeks till wine! In moderation, of course -- but Moderation is my middle name! No, wait, it's my confirmation name. Oh, no, that's Madeline. Anyway it's close.

1 comment:

  1. The full South do have a way of making that sound like fun. So basically we are on an eating/drinking frenzy and just practicing for our diets this weekend, until all offending foodstuffs are gone...and by gone I of course mean through our digestive tracts. Ok, but really, you need to be sans coke soon so that you can start the 2-week induction period and be ready for a girls night out. Just envision a lovely Malbec off in the 2-week distance, the prize...........
