
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Where the f#*% is "Wish Away The Pounds"?

Yesterday in Target I bought the DVD "Walk Away the Pounds" -- it was on sale, with the Clearance sticker right over the instructor's face. So sad. What could I do but take her home?

But once she shook off that pesky sticker there was no stopping her. The woman is so cheerful you want to smack her. Is there a "Smack Away the Pounds"?

So I decided this morning to just go out and walk. But upstate there are no sidewalks, so you have to dodge cars careening around blind curves. So it's pretty much "Pray Away the Pounds."


  1. Dodging cars sounds like a more aerobic and exciting workout. Really gets your heart pumping.

  2. And if Looney Tunes are accurate, which I believe they are, when you get run over you get really, really thin!

  3. Yes...but you are back to normal in the next scene! Don't get fooled by THAT fad diet.
